How to Draw a Mummy

Expert twenty-four hour period love readers! From this drawing tutorial you lot will larn how to draw a mummy. Mummy is a body subjected to a special chemical treatment, which resulted in stops or slows down the procedure of decay of tissues. We oftentimes come across the mummies in a diverseness of movies, books and games.

Step 1

Let's starting time with the skeleton of the mummy. First draw a head in the form of an oval. Then draw the spine, thorax and pelvis. At the stop of step outline the arms and legs.

learn to draw a mummy

Step 2

Now let'south add together volume to the mummy. Typically, the mummIes every bit y'all sympathize are quite thin, simply our mummy will be more than muscular. Showtime sketch out the lines on the face. Then go downward and sketch out the torso and pelvis. Side by side draw shoulders, elbows and knees using circles and arms and legs using cylinders.

mummy drawing

Step three

Erase all the guidelines from the torso of mummy. Note that the torso of mommy at present looks similar a body of an ordinary man.

how to draw mummies for kids

Step iv

Sketch out the the features of the face up. First draw the eyes with frown brows. Go down and depict the olfactory organ and oral cavity. The mouth should be uneven and ugly. Sketch out teeth and some folds at the face.

draw ancient egypt mummies

Footstep 5

Using uneven lines describe the strips of bandages on the face up. Note that the lines should non be smooth and uniform in width.

egypt mummy

Pace 6

Continue adding bondages to the body of mummy. Draw out the lines that should be placed in random order. Do non forget virtually the fact that the lines must lucifer the curves of the body.

how to draw mummy step by step

Step 7

Do exactly the same deportment that in the previous stride but with the lower part of the trunk. The lines on the legs also should exist fatigued at random.

how to draw mummy

Pace 8

And at the last step of the lesson on how to draw a mummy nosotros add shadows. Supply that the light comes from the upper right corner of the drawing. So nosotros add together shadows onthe opposite side.

How to Draw a Mummy

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